Alabama, 1997
U.S. District Court, Southern and Middle Districts of Alabama
U.S. Court of Appeals, 5th and 11th Circuits
U.S. Supreme Court, 2001
District of Columbia, 2003
Thomas G. Jones School of Law, Faulkner University
J.D., 1996
University of Louisiana, Lafayette
M.A. in History, 1993
Nicholls State University
Professional Memberships
Montgomery County Bar Association
Montgomery County Trial Lawyers Association
About Attorney Jim Bodin
"Give a man a fish, and he’ll eat for a day. Teach a man to fish. and he’ll eat for a lifetime."
In 1996, Jim Bodin met attorney Julian McPhillips at an event at Faulkner University, where he was a third-year law student. After his speech to the class, they talked. He liked that his mom and Jim had both been raised in south Louisiana. (Julian’s mom was from New Orleans). Julian asked if he wanted to help him on a related case. He was representing Mary Blackerby, who had been arrested for sidewalk protesting at an abortion clinic in Montgomery. They won the case in Montgomery City Court, and Julian offered him a job as a clerk at McPhillips Shinbaum.
Months later, Jim received his third-year (law student) license to practice, and he learned “trial by fire,” cutting his teeth on cases in Montgomery City Court. Third-year students were supervised by a practicing attorney, but attorney Julian McPhillips often sent clerks to City Court to learn the ropes.
In 1997, Jim passed the Alabama Bar and began practicing full-time with McPhillips Shinbaum. In 2003, he was promoted to partner at McPhillips Shinbaum, where he was a managing partner for 20 years until 2023 when he began his own firm.
Jim attributes his success to being able to work and learn under outstanding older lawyers for decades, which helped him gain the experience and trial skills he has today.
For nearly 30 years, attorney Jim Bodin has represented thousands of clients and recovered millions of dollars in car wreck, insurance, and personal injury settlements. Along the way, he has litigated and won 12 cases on appeal before the Alabama Supreme Court or Alabama Court of Civil Appeals.
Verdicts & Settlements

$800,000 settlement
This case involved the wrongful death of the client’s son, who was tragically killed while riding home with a drunk driver who ran off the roadway near Huntsville, Alabama. Initially, the car owner’s insurance company denied auto coverage, claiming the driver did not have permission to drive his car. Our case investigator eventually determined the drunk driver had previously driven the car to a county work release program, with the owner’s permission, on numerous occasions with Sheriff’s Department witnesses, cracking this civil case wide open.

$700,000 settlement
In this car accident case, the client was struck on the side of the road by a speeding passenger truck while jogging in a rural area in Montgomery County. There were no witnesses to this collision. Our client was air-lifted to a hospital. Our crash reconstruction expert, a former Alabama State Trooper with 30+ years of experience, determined that the truck had a line-of-sight distance of over 150 yards before impact, had left the road before impact, and should have seen our client well before the side impact.

$500,000 settlement
This car accident case involved the wrongful death of the client’s grandson, who was tragically killed while driving to work near Clanton, Alabama. The wrongful death claim was initially denied. In depositions, we determined there was additional coverage as the driver was pulling a mobile home moving company-owned trailer owned by his employer, and he was working for the company when this collision occurred.

$400,000 settlement
In this car accident case, the client, a commercial truck driver sitting stationary in traffic on I-65 near Greenville, Alabama, was rear-ended by another 18-wheeler causing serious physical injuries.

$400,000 settlement
In this case, a police officer, while speeding through downtown Tuskegee, struck the client’s vehicle head-on, killing him and injuring his wife. Our crash reconstruction expert, a former Alabama State Trooper with 25+ years of experience, determined the police officer was recklessly traveling at 92mph in a 25mph city zone and lost control of his police vehicle coming over a hill. With this reckless speed, we could prove the officer was not entitled to municipal/state immunity for his reckless driving. We obtained auto policy limits for our client’s estate and additional Zone of Danger damages for his wife.

$300,000 judgment
In this case, the client was attacked in the street by a pit bull while riding his bike in his Montgomery neighborhood. The client had to have two shoulder repair surgeries. The dog owner/homeowner’s insurance company initially denied coverage. We obtained a default judgment against the dog owner and then successfully sued his homeowner’s insurance company which denied the claim. Following a summary judgment hearing, the Court ruled that the dog owner’s home insurance policy did provide coverage to the dog owner, and the insurance company paid their full policy home coverage for my client’s shoulder injuries and surgeries.

$300,000 settlement
In this car accident case, the client had just left her Pike Road home at night and hit a trailer’s loading ramp improperly parked and partially in the road, causing her car to overturn in a ditch, resulting in the client sustaining a significant brain injury. The trailer was dark-rust-colored and blended into the red Alabama clay on the roadside. Our crash reconstruction expert determined that the Alabama Rules of the Road required that the trailer’s lights be visible and warning signs/reflective triangles or flares were required but were not displayed on the trailer or road before impact. Years later, the defense attorney for the insurance company told me they decided to pay the claim when their own expert almost accidentally hit their rusty trailer when they tried to reconstruct the wreck at dusk.

$300,000 settlement
This car accident case involved the wrongful death of the client’s son who was tragically killed while riding to the beach with a friend/drunk driver who ran off the roadway near Brewton, Alabama. There were no witnesses to this collision. Our crash reconstruction expert, a former Alabama State Trooper with 30+ years experience, determined from the car’s EDR or electronic data computer recorder recovered from the car that the DUI driver was traveling at over 100mph when he lost control, the car left the roadway and crashed into a metal power utility pole 100 feet off the roadway.

$275,000 settlement
Full auto policy limits were paid when a distracted cell phone driver left his travel lane and hit my client’s vehicle head-on while he was driving to work in Montgomery. My client spent three months in the hospital and rehab. There were no witnesses to this collision. Our crash reconstruction expert, a former Alabama State Trooper with 30+ years experience, determined from the car’s EDR or electronic data computer recorder recovered from the Defendant/distracted driver’s car, that the at-fault driver left his lane 250 feet before impact and then swerved into our client’s lane causing the wreck.

$150,000 settlement
In this case, the client was attacked under a fence by a neighbor’s pit bulldog in the backyard sustaining severe leg injuries.